by Amie Crites | May 15, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I am supported. I am grateful all I have to do is ask for help and it arrives. I openly communicate my needs. I openly receive the help I ask for when I need it. -A Daily Reminder
by Amie Crites | May 15, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I am grounded in love. I am grateful for support emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I am willing to disconnect to reconnect. I let go of what no longer serves me. -A Daily Reminder
by Amie Crites | May 13, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I am guided daily to live a full life. I am grateful to receive each step I need to take. I willingly take these steps into new possibilities. I am loved, protected, and grateful. -A Daily Reminder
by Amie Crites | May 12, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I am creating with every feeling, thought, word, and actin I attach to. I am grateful for the wisdom we can learn and apply daily. I choose to be what I wish to see in the world, I am a game changer. -A Daily Reminder
by Amie Crites | May 11, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I create with deliberate intention. I am grateful for my ability to co-create and honor this gift. I use my gifts wisely. I am aware and accountable when it comes to my actions. -A Daily Reminder
by Amie Crites | May 11, 2020 | Daily Reminders
I am grateful for this life I’ve been given. I am present and willing to listen and follow my heart. I love this world and all of creation. I am grounded, inquisitive, and loving. -A Daily Reminder